Our Phoenix Comic Fest eSports Panel
eSports Biz & Law
Couldn't be more proud of our team at Legal-Ease Podcast, especially Alex Becker, Amena Kheshtchin-Kamel, Gabriel Lim, and Andrew Thiery who took time out of their law school finals and bar examination preparation for a month now to put together a successful Phoenix Comic Fest eSports panel. We worked hard to make a truly wonderful eSports presentation and slideshow and it's all due to tremendous teamwork. Special thanks to Cisco Maldonado who took time to travel from LA to attend our panel as a guest speaker on the panel and Episode 2 of our podcast & our podcast member Dominic Kearns for joining us to produce Episode 2 on eSports & the Law. It's not every day you see soon to be lawyers take on their own panel at any comic-con, but we just so happen to also be artists and gamers.
Last but not least, our favorite part of this experience was making new friends. Thank you Phoenix Comic Fest staff for having us, and thank you Game On Expo for inviting us to do the same panel in August!
Thanks to everyone who supported us this weekend!